(385) 255-6230
We Move You Further, Faster
At MaryCatherine Jones Consulting, we understand that running a nonprofit organization can be challenging. That's why we offer a range of services to help Free and Charitable Clinics and Pharmacies, their funders and partners, to achieve their goals. From assessment and strategic planning to communications and fund development, we're here to lend a skilled pair of hands. Let us help you focus on what you do best - making a difference in your community.

We're Experienced
We can enrich your clinic or pharmacy's practice across a wide range of services. We support clinics that are addressing primary care, dental, behavioral health, community health, and populations from across the world. We work with charitable pharmacies and with clinics that are currently providing or developing their pharmacy services.

Primary Care
Behavioral Health
Community Health & Outreach
Diverse Populations

Consulting in Action
Explore the projects and initiatives that have strengthened the work of Free and Charitable Clinics and Pharmacies and expanded access to care and quality of care for underserved populations.

Behind the Work

Hi, I'm MaryCatherine.
I'm a passionate advocate for Free and Charitable Clinics, their partners, and the communities they serve. I've been working with public health and safety net organizations since 2008 - bringing in new dollars, raising profiles, enhancing partnerships, and expanding opportunities for my clients to achieve their goals. Book a call today to explore how we can assist your growing organization. We'll discuss your challenges, needs, and find out if we're a good fit together.